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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Provision 

The SEND team at Hugh Christie:


Paul Bargery - Deputy Headteacher and SENCO

Paul has the responsibility for ensuring those students with additional educational needs at Hugh Christie get the support and guidance they need in order to access the curriculum. His specialism is working with those students with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC).


Jane Davies - SEND Core Standards Lead

Jane is responsible for the SEND Register, Access Arrangements for mock examinations and SEND student academic progress tracking. She also manages the transition from Primary School into KS3 and oversees the KS4 Options process.

Rosamund Maxwell - ASC Provision Manager

Rosamund is responsible for the day-to-day running of the ASC Provision and coordinates the Access Arrangements for all public examinations.

Angie Firkins - Assistant SENCO

Angie is responsible for the oversight of the Learning Support Assistants, ensuring that support is in place in lessons. She is also responsible for the organisation of the Annual Review process for students with EHCPs.

Emma Green runs the Precision Teaching and EAL programme in the Lighthouse. She also provides Literacy interventions.

Sue Mason is the SEND Governor.

Contact Us:

SENCO - Paul Bargery

ASC Provision - Rosamund Maxwell

SEND Exams and Assessment - Jane Davies

SEND Support - Angie Firkins 


  • To identify at the earliest opportunity all children who need special consideration to support their physical, sensory, social, emotional, communication or cognitive development.

  • To ensure that these children are given appropriate support to allow every child full access to the National Curriculum in a positive framework

  • To ensure that these children are fully included in all activities of the school in order to promote the highest levels of achievement.

  • To involve parents, pupils and others in developing a partnership of support, enabling them full confidence in the strategy as adopted by the school.


  • To provide a broad, balanced and suitably differentiated curriculum relevant to pupil needs, through all staff sharing responsibility for SEND.

  • To demonstrate that meeting the needs of children's learning and/or behaviour is part of high-quality mainstream education.

  • To plan for any pupil who may at some time in their education have special educational needs.

  • To promote self-worth and enthusiasm by encouraging independent learning at all age levels.

  • To give every child the entitlement to a sense of achievement.

  • To identify, monitor and support pupils who will need extra resources and/or teaching help as early as possible.

  • To work in partnership with the child's parents and other external agencies to provide for the child's special educational needs.

  • To regularly review the policy and practical arrangements to achieve the best value.

Our ambition for SEND learners

  • Show high levels of engagement and participation in their learning

  • Take ownership over and responsibility for their learning

  • Are motivated, happy and enjoy their learning

  • Become increasingly independent and resilient learners

  • Make good or outstanding progress, demonstrating new knowledge, skills and/or understanding

Our CORE offer

Hugh Christie School has a Core Offer for SEND learners within the classroom.

  • Our Core Offer is based on our  Pillars of Excellence (and Rosenshine’s Principles); this is the expected core offer that must be in place in every classroom.

  • These are simple basic good quality first-teaching strategies that are evidenced as highly successful strategies for SEND students 

  • They are consistent in every classroom and from every teacher.

  • These core offerings are interconnected and should not be used in isolation


The Core Offer is further adapted to meet individual specific needs such as those learners with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASC and ADHD. 


If you wish to make a complaint about SEND provision at the school:

  1. Talk to the school’s special educational needs coordinator (SENCO).

  2. Follow the school’s complaints procedure.

  3. Complain to your local authority.

Further information from the Department for Education is available here

Specialised Resource Provision:

The school has a small Specialised Resource Provision (SRP) for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. 

We offer a provision that enables children to access a mainstream education whilst receiving the benefit of a supportive school and well-qualified staff.  

If you are interested in more information about the SRP, please download the prospectus by clicking here.

core offer.jpg

Our Core offer consists of nine key elements
(click to enlarge)

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